Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Homily for Tuesday, Fourth Week of Lent, Year II

First Reading: Ez 47:1–9, 12
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 46:2–3, 5–6, 8–9
Gospel: Jn 5:1–16

St. Francis Village Chapel, Crowley, TX

            Good morning brethren. For the last couple of weeks and especially in the last few days, we have been hearing in the Gospel about how Jesus is going about the Father’s work. He is healing and working miracles and loving his people. And getting in trouble. You know…the more things change, the more things seem to stay the same.
            In our Gospel today, Jesus again gets in trouble with the authorities, the Pharisees, for daring to do his work on the Sabbath. The man he heals also draws the ire of the powers-that-be because he is doing work on the Sabbath. Jesus is doing the work of God, but the Pharisees are so blinded by their strict obedience to the rules, they cannot even see it. Today is the feast day of St. Oscar Romero. He also went about doing God’s work, caring for the poor and forgotten. Like Jesus he also got into trouble with the authorities for doing the work of God. He ultimately lost his life for it. Even today, some folks have a problem with what we are doing right now, having Mass. But, the work of God is first and foremost in this world. Rest assured, my brothers and sisters, that we, your clergy will continue to bring you the sacraments. In turn, we ask that you, the People of God, continue your Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and penance.
            We all have the work of God to do, even in this time of pandemic, even in the face of those who would have us stop. Let us remember that the Lord is Emmanuel – God With Us. The God of Jacob is indeed our stronghold. God be with you.
St. Joseph, Comfort of the Afflicted, Pray for Us!

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