Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Homily for Wednesday of the Tenth Week of Ordinary Time, Year II

YEAR II First Reading: 1 Kgs 18:20–39
      Responsorial Psalm: Ps 16:1b–2ab, 4, 5ab and 8, 11
YEARS I AND II Gospel: Mt 5:17–19
Seminarian Residence Chapel, Crowley, TX

          I was blessed to visit the Holy Land for two weeks last summer and one of our stops was Mount Carmel, the mountain of decision. At the top of the mountain, I pondered what it must have been like for Elijah as he faced off against the priests of Baal. He was the very last prophet of God left alive in Israel, in a high-noon style showdown against 450 shrieking pagan worshippers of a false god. When all was said and done, everything about the false god had professed was shown to be worthless folly; fleeting and fake. The people of God watched Elijah stand firm in the truth of God and prevail. Elijah laid before them a decision to make – follow the empty show the evil one has to offer or return to the covenant and follow God. In quite a dramatic fashion, the people chose wisely.

          Today we are faced with our own Mount Carmels, our places of decision when choosing how to respond to the unrest, violence, and injustice we have been witnessing unfold in our streets and on TV. As the violence dies down, it has been replaced by virtue signaling, false platitudes, politics as usual, and disingenuous calls for irrational actions that have nothing to do with what sparked all this. It seems like the country has gone bonkers. The news media and social media seem to only want to whip society into a frenzy like those priests of Baal. What are we to do?

Jesus reminds us in the Gospel today that what has been commanded by God will not pass away. In him we are to place our trust and build our faith. In the midst of all the chatter, the noise, the vitriol, and the nonsense, seek the voice of God in the stillness and the silence as Elijah did. What is of God endures. What is not of God will crumble and fall away. May our response to what is happening be grounded in what is true and good and beautiful. May we choose wisely.

St. Joseph, Terror of Demons, Pray for Us!


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