Friday, October 15, 2021

Homily for Votive Mass - Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother and Teacher in the Spirit


Prov 8:17-21, 34-35

Ps 15:2-5

Mk 3:31-35


Christ the King Catholic Church, Iowa Park, TX

 Just yesterday we celebrated the Memorial of St. Teresa of Jesus (St. Teresa of Avila), the Carmelite virgin mystic and Doctor of the Church. Thus, it is quite timely that our votive Mass today for our Blessed Mother comes to us from the Carmelite order under her title of Mother and Teacher in the Spirit. The Carmelites hold a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and for them, they see the journey of the soul through this life as a journey to the holy mountain, which is Jesus Christ. The Carmelites teach us in their spiritual tradition to meditate on the totality of the mystery of the Blessed Virgin Mary intent in prayer, leading her hidden life in the Gospels, treasuring the words of Our Lord in her heart, and doing her works of charity.

The Carmelite Order gave Mary the title of Mother and Teacher in the Spirit because she was the perfect disciple of Christ. The Gospel passage we heard today is the only time Mark refers to the Mother of Jesus. The scene today reminds us of the scene with the paralytic who had to be lowered through the roof by his friends because they could not push through the crowd to reach Jesus. Now, Jesus was surrounded by the crowd of his disciples. Likely, his mother, and brothers and sisters (his cousins, not siblings) thought the crowd would part for them. Nope! Jesus never passed up a teaching opportunity. In asking who his mother, brothers, and sisters truly are, and then pointing to his disciples, Jesus was indicating to them that if they want to truly follow Him, they must look to Mary as the example of what a disciple does!

Holy Mary truly IS our teacher in the faith. She is both the first disciple of Jesus Christ and the perfect disciple, instructing us by her example. She is indeed the model of all who live by the spirit of the Gospel and so we look to her in prayer, asking her to guide us deeper into love for her Divine Son. Our Blessed Mother is the mother of all Christians who reminds us to ‘do whatever He tells us.’, who as the wisdom of God reminds us that whoever finds her, finds life, (Prov 8:17-21) because she leads us to Christ. She is the mother who accepted each of us as her children at the foot of the cross (Jn 19:25-27), who protects and watches over us, and who gives us her maternal protection.

Today, let us embrace the Blessed Virgin Mary as our mother and teacher in the faith. Never let us be afraid or hesitant to call on her or seek her assistance. St. Maximillian Kolbe wrote “Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.” Love you Mother! Speak to her daily! Let her teach you how to love Jesus as she does! Follow her example of perfect discipleship.

Holy Mary, Mother and Teacher in the Spirit, Pray for Us!




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