Is 49:1-6
Ps 139:1-3, 13-15
Eph 3:14-21
Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Christ the King Catholic Church, Iowa
Park, TX
Today in the Catholic Church in the United
States, we celebrate a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn.
This is the 49th anniversary of the defective Roe v Wade decision in
1973. Since then, 63,459,780 abortions committed against the innocent, per the
self-reported statistics of Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills. To
understand the scope of this modern-day holocaust: this is ten times the number
murdered by Hitler in Nazi Germany and six times the number murdered by Stalin
in Communist Soviet Union. The anniversary of this infamous day undoubtedly
raises questions in our minds, and well it should.
First, what is the Church teaching
regarding abortion and the dignity of life? The Catechism of the Catholic
Church (CCC 2274) states “Since it must be treated from conception as a person,
the embryo must be defended in its integrity, cared for, and healed, as far as
possible, like any other human being.” This is not a new teaching of the Church.
This is Church teaching from the very beginning. The Didache 2,2 (The
Teachings of the Apostles), the first catechism written in the late first
century teaches “You shall not kill the embryo by abortion and shall not cause
the newborn to perish.” CCC 2270 further states that all “Human life must be
respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the
first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the
rights of a person—among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being
to life.” This is not just a spiritual reality or opinion. The Church in her
teaching is informed by, supported by, confirmed by modern medical science. I
personally know of citations from forty-one different medical texts written
across five decades, all teaching human life begins at conception. These are
textbooks used in medical schools across the country. The science is
settled. The American College of
Pediatricians agrees and affirms that human life begins at conception.
Next, we need to understand the impact
of abortion on Church and human society. In our First Reading from Isaiah, the
prophet tells us “The Lord called me from birth, from my mother’s womb he gave
me my name” and “The Lord has spoken who formed me as his servant from the womb”
and “I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the
ends of the earth.” Isaiah echoes the famous passage from another prophet, Jeremiah
1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I
consecrated you.” You see, before we have even been born, God has selected a
vocation for us – a place in His plan to build the Kingdom of God. We all have
a role to play. Because of the crime of abortion, so many beautiful lives have
been lost. Only God knows how many saints were never born. One can only imagine
how the world would have been a better place than it is now if those saints had
only been allowed to be born, live the life God had intended for them, and
fulfilled their role in the Kingdom. In the US, the ratio of priests to laity
is roughly 1:1925. It is also estimated that up to half of all abortions are by
Catholics. Based on this we are missing between 20,000 and 33,000 priests to
abortion. Why do we have a shortage of priests? Abortion is a major
contributing factor. And it’s not just priests. An even greater number of
precious nuns and religious sisters are missing from us. Abortion is a satanic
attack on human society in general and the Church in particular.
The enemies of life frequently accuse
us of being ‘pro-birth’ only and not truly pro-life. This is a ridiculous
fallacy concocted to distract from the work the faithful are doing. When I was
in seminary, during the twice-annual 40 Days for Life campaigns, groups of us
would peacefully pray outside the abortion mill. One day we were informed by
the local crisis pregnancy center that a woman had come by that clinic for an
abortion while we were there but could not go through with it. She tired again
the next day but another group was praying. On the third day there was yet
another group praying. This time she walked up to them and demanded “Ok. You
say you can help me. What can you do?” She was first given a free sonogram to
show her beautiful child to her. Then she was taken to a nearby doctor who
arranged for free prenatal care for her and the child. Then she was provided
with well-baby checkups for two years free of charge. On top of that, the center
gave her diapers and formula when she needed them. If she had chosen to give
the baby up for adoption, she would have been assisted at no charge. We are
indeed pro-life – both for the baby and the mother in crisis.
What about those who have already had
abortions? CCC 2272 teaches “Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave
offense. The Church attaches the canonical penalty of excommunication to this
crime against human life… The Church does not thereby intend to restrict the
scope of mercy. Rather, she makes clear the gravity of the crime committed, the
irreparable harm done to the innocent who is put to death, as well as to the
parents and the whole of society.” Therefore, mothers, fathers, and others who
cooperate in an abortion separate themselves from the grace of God via
excommunication (Code of Canon Law 1398). Even if they present themselves to
Holy Communion and receive the Body & Blood of Christ, they receive no
grace from it at all. This is a terrible wound they have inflicted upon
themselves. Abortion kills the innocent. It also causes trauma to almost every
woman who has one – physical, emotional, spiritual. One can read hundreds of
testimonies of women who were lied to about their abortion being painless on
the ‘Silent No More Awareness’ website. The same is true for men grieving their lost
fatherhood, to a different degree. This insidious silent trauma and grief
destroys marriages and families. Precisely what Satan wants. So what are do we
do? The Gospel reading today teaches us that the heavenly Father desires none
of those who have strayed to be lost! We
must humble ourselves like little children – remember that we have all sinned
and fallen short. We are Catholic Christians – ‘little Christs.’ Our mission is
Christ’s mission: we are to seek out the ‘lost sheep’ to bring them home. We do
not condemn – we reach out, we forgive, we heal, we love as Jesus Christ loved.
Invite those who are suffering the traumas of abortion to attend Rachel’s Vineyard
retreats – lay ministers, counselors, social works, psychologists work to bring
healing of mind and spirit. Invite them back to God’s love – into the loving
arms of His Church, our Mother. Encourage them to partake of the Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation
to heal their spiritual wounds. All priests in the diocese have been given faculties
to lift the excommunication of abortion.
What should we do to end this
modern-day holocaust? Pray unceasingly for mothers & fathers to choose life
instead of abortion, for society to embrace life as sacred, and for the Church
to be more vocal, visible, and outspoken on the issue. Get involved! Support
and make referrals to crisis pregnancy centers. Start pro-life committees in
your parishes to get the laity involved in culture of life events. Then, show up
at those events – half the battle is being present – prayer vigils, march for
life, etc. Vote pro-life, especially at local levels where politicians begin
their careers. It is up to us to put an end to the culture of death. I ask you pray
and fast for the current cases before the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade
and return the issue to the individual states, where the right to life for the
unborn will be protected in the majority of them. Offer acts of penance in
reparation for abortion. Most importantly, preach the Gospel of Life in word
and in action. Reach out to women in crisis pregnancies to show them another
way. Reach out to the living victims of abortion to show them the mercy,
healing, forgiveness, and love of Jesus Christ.
Holy Mary, Patroness of the Unborn, Pray for
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